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Título: Imperforation of the external orifice of the cervix in a mare
Autores/as: Batista Arteaga, Miguel 
Forga Martel, Jess
González Valle, Fernando
Orós Montón, Jorge 
Cabrera Martin, Fernando
Castellano, Encarción
Gracia Molina, Anselmo 
Fecha de publicación: 2000
Publicación seriada: Equine practice 
Resumen: An imperforation of the external uterine orifice in a mare is described. Surgical repair of the neck was carried out using a fiberscope and long-handled laparoscopic instruments. The cervix recovered its full functioning capacity five weeks after the surgery. Microbiological analysis of the intrauterine fluid, revealed no bacteria, and after the intrauterine flushings, the periglandular fibrosis and the nesting in the endometrium decreased significanlty. Finally, cytogenetic research determined that our mare was a normal female (64 XX). Reproductive history, microbiological analysis, and endometrial features of the cervix, allow us to rule out the acquired nature of this anomaly.
ISSN: 0162-8941
Fuente: Equine Pratice[ISSN 0162-8941],v. 22
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