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Título: Validation of a rapid urinary iodide test in the goat: A preliminary study
Autores/as: Gutierrez, Carlos 
Padrón, Tania R.
Corbera, Juan A. 
Morales, Inmaculada 
Palabras clave: Deficiency
Fecha de publicación: 2005
Editor/a: 0301-6226
Publicación seriada: Livestock Production Science 
Resumen: A rapid urinary iodide test was assessed in goats to validate its effectiveness in field conditions. The test provides a semiquantitative assessment of the iodine intake and could be valuable for animal population. Two hundred and forty-six dairy goats were randomized selected for this study. According to iodide content in urine, results were classified in three groups (< 10 mu g/dL, 10-30 mu g/dL, > 30 mu g/dL). These findings were in agreement with spectrophotometrical determinations and with serum iodine values. Sensibility and specificity were 89% and 78%, respectively. Data on reproducibility and interfering substances were also valuable. Given the technical simplicity, cost-effectiveness and its stability in heat environmental conditions, the rapid urinary iodide test should be considered as a valuable method for epidemiological surveys in field conditions or in development countries. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0301-6226
DOI: 10.1016/j.livprodsci.2004.12.009
Fuente: Livestock Production Science[ISSN 0301-6226],v. 95, p. 115-119
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