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Título: Dystocia and paraparesis associated with intra-pelvic space-restricting hematoma in a Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica hispanica)
Autores/as: Vilar, J. M. 
Corbera, J. A. 
Ramírez, G. A.
Clasificación UNESCO: 240111 Patología animal
Palabras clave: Bighorn Sheep
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Editor/a: 0971-2119
Publicación seriada: Journal of Applied Animal Research 
Resumen: Vilar J.M., Corbera, J.A. and Ramirez, G.A. 2010. Dystocia and paraparesis associated with intra-pelvic space-restricting hematoma in a spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica hispanica). J. Appl. Anim. Res.. 37: 8991 This report presents a case of dystocia and mummification of a co-twin fetus in a nine-year-old pregnant Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica hispanica) that was a direct result of capture procedures. The anesthetic dart penetrated the left perivulvar region, causing a large intra-pelvic space-restricting hematoma. Subsequently, the doe developed bilateral hindlimb paresis and marked vaginal prolapse. On cesarean section one of the fetuses was dead and exhibited features of initial maceration. The second fetus was weak, but survived and appeared normal. The doe recovered well from the anesthesia, but after 48 h displayed lethargy, ataxia, disorientation and extreme weakness and it was deemed appropriate to euthanize the animal. The postmortem examination revealed lesions suggestive of pregnancy toxemia. Trauma in pregnant wild goats should raise the clinical suspicion of fetal death and dictate further observation; in a twin pregnancy, the appearance of a single fetal death should be investigated.
ISSN: 0971-2119
DOI: 10.1080/09712119.2010.9707100
Fuente: Journal of Applied Animal Research[ISSN 0971-2119],v. 37, p. 89-91
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