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Título: Winter and spring surface velocity fields in the Cape Blanc region as deduced with the maximum cross-correlation technique
Autores/as: Castellanos, Paola
Pelegrí Llopart,José Luis 
Baldwin, Dan
Emery, William J.
Hernández-Guerra, Alonso 
Clasificación UNESCO: 2510 Oceanografía
250616 Teledetección (Geología)
Palabras clave: Satellite Images
Retrieval, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Editor/a: 0143-1161
Publicación seriada: International Journal of Remote Sensing 
Resumen: The ocean surface velocity field in the Cape Blanc region, off Northwest Africa, is investigated with the maximum cross-correlation (MCC) method applied to channel-4 Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer satellite images. An initial sensitivity analysis allows us to select the four parameters that provide maximum area coverage and the best velocity resolution, while limiting the standard deviation for each velocity component within reasonable values. These are (m, n, MV, CT) = (22, 32, 50, 0.6), where m and n are the number of pixels of the search window (SW) and reference window (RW), respectively, MV is the maximum possible velocity (in cm s−1), and CT is a correlation threshold for a feature to be tracked. A total of 489 images, for years 2005 and 2006, are analysed, and 106 velocity maps are generated with good coverage of the coastal transition zone (CTZ), most of them for the winter (34) and spring (59) seasons. We remove spurious data using the method's own filters (MV, CT, and a neighbour-vector comparison), requesting the velocity components to have Gaussian distributions and smoothing the resulting velocity fields with a median-vector filter. The instantaneous velocity maps illustrate the response of the alongshore coastal jet north of Cape Blanc (and its extension along the Cape Verde frontal region) to wind forcing, as well as the presence of numerous mesoscalar features (100–300 km wide) superposed on a westward offshore transport south of Cape Blanc. We also produce mean and standard deviation winter and spring velocity maps, which are compared with the corresponding mean sea surface temperature fields. The along-shore and offshore flow is better defined and is more intense in spring than in winter, in concordance with cross-slope sharper temperature gradients during this season, and brings about a cooling of the whole region. We identify five different ubiquitous currents: a southwestward jet north of Cape Blanc, a northwestward jet off Banc d'Argin, an offshore convergent jet, a spring jet-like feature at 18° N, and a southward flow in the southwestern CTZ.
ISSN: 0143-1161
DOI: 10.1080/01431161.2012.716545
Fuente: International Journal of Remote Sensing [ISSN 0143-1161], v. 34, p. 3587-3606
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