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Title: Genetic variation of gracilaria cervicornis (rhodophyta) gametophytes from the canary islands
Authors: Sosa, P. A. 
Cabrera-Pérez, M. A.
Garcia-Blairsy Reina, Guillermo 
UNESCO Clasification: 241714 Genética vegetal
241705 Biología marina
Keywords: Canary Islands
Genetic variability
Genetic differentiation
Gracilaria cervicornis, et al
Issue Date: 1996
Publisher: 0967-0262
Journal: European Journal of Phycology 
Abstract: Genetic variability of gametophytic populations of Gracilaria cervicornis from three localities sampled in the Canary Islands (Spain) was examined by isozyme electrophoresis. Seventeen putative alleles corresponding to 16 gene loci were compared. The genetic variability of populations (percentage of polymorphic loci, mean number of alleles per locus and average gene diversity) was low, with a high number of fixed alleles. These results suggest that the genetic structure of the populations of G. cervicornis from the Canary Islands may be due to a predominance of vegetative propagation and low sporeling recruitment. Some heterogeneity was observed at two polymorphic loci which could be due to random drift. The values obtained in the present study are consistent with the genetic variation described for other red seaweeds with a predominance of asexual reproduction.
ISSN: 0967-0262
DOI: 10.1080/09670269600651311
Source: European Journal of Phycology [ISSN 0967-0262], v. 31, p. 143-147
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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