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Título: Tracking the variable North Atlantic sink for atmospheric CO2
Autores/as: Watson, Andrew J.
Schuster, Ute
Bakker, Dorothee C.E.
Bates, Nicholas R.
Corbière, Antoine
González-Davila, Melchor 
Friedrich, Tobias
Hauck, Judith
Heinze, Christoph
Johannessen, Truls
Körtzinger, Arne
Metzl, Nicolas
Olafsson, Jon
Olsen, Are
Oschlies, Andreas
Antonio Padin, X.
Pfeil, Benjamin
Santana-Casiano, J. Magdalena 
Steinhoff, Tobias
Telszewski, Maciej
Rios, Aida F.
Wallace, Douglas W.R.
Wanninkhof, Rik
Clasificación UNESCO: 251002 Oceanografía química
Palabras clave: Oceans
Carbon dioxide
Oceanic climates
Time series
Ships, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Proyectos: Marine Carbon Sources And Sinks Assessment (Carboocean) 
Ctm2005-03893/Mar. Intercambio de Co2 Atmosfera-Oceano Haciendo Uso de Un Barco Comercial de Observacion Entre Canarias y Barcelona 
Publicación seriada: Science 
Resumen: The oceans are a major sink for atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2). Historically, observations have been too sparse to allow accurate tracking of changes in rates of CO2 uptake over ocean basins, so little is known about how these vary. Here, we show observations indicating substantial variability in the CO2 uptake by the North Atlantic on time scales of a few years. Further, we use measurements from a coordinated network of instrumented commercial ships to define the annual flux into the North Atlantic, for the year 2005, to a precision of about 10%. This approach offers the prospect of accurately monitoring the changing ocean CO2 sink for those ocean basins that are well covered by shipping routes.
ISSN: 0036-8075
DOI: 10.1126/science.1177394
Fuente: Science [ISSN 0036-8075], v. 326 (5958), p. 1391-1393
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