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Título: A reinvestigation of Macaronesian seaweeds as studied by A. Piccone with remarks on those studied by A. Grunow
Autores/as: Prud'homme van Reine, W. F.
Haroun, R. J. 
Audiffred, P. A. J
Clasificación UNESCO: 241705 Biología marina
Palabras clave: Benthic marine algae
Fecha de publicación: 1994
Publicación seriada: Nova Hedwigia 
Resumen: In his publications about benthic marine algae A. Piccone recorded 185 names of taxa collected from shores of islands in Macaronesia. About his identifications he was often in contact with A. Grunow. Of the specimens studied by Piccone the majority (171 names) was found again in herbaria in Padova, Paris and Vienna. These specimens were studied and all specimens are now discussed in alphabethical order. Many changes are proposed, viz. nomenclatural changes as well as new identifications. Some remarks are added about records published for Madeira by A. Grunow in 1868. New records for Macaronesia are Halymenia latifolia forma trabaeculata, Halymenia cf. vinacea, Laurencia chondrioides, Laurencia microcladia, Laurencia poiteaui, Meristiella echinocarpa and Rhodymenia holmesii.
ISSN: 0029-5035
Fuente: Nova Hedwigia [ISSN 0029-5035], v. 58 (1-2), p. 67-121
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