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Title: Colonization patterns of decapods into artificial collectors: Seasonality between habitat patches
Authors: García-Sanz, Sara
Navarro, Pablo G.
Landeira, José M.
Tuya, Fernando 
UNESCO Clasification: 240119 Zoología marina
Keywords: Artificial collectors
Canary Islands
Decapoda, et al
Issue Date: 2014
Publisher: 0278-0372
Journal: Journal of Crustacean Biology 
Abstract: Understanding colonization of new habitats by recruits is essential to comprehend local abundance patterns of adult populations. Colonization of benthic habitats by new colonizers is achieved through the influx of larvae from the water column and movements from adjacent habitats. Colonization, i.e., the composition and abundance of new colonizers, into a focal habitat may be affected by surrounding habitats. In this study, we investigated seasonal variation through an annual cycle in postlarval settlement patterns of decapod crustaceans colonizing artificial collectors on different habitats, in particular: Cymodocea nodosa seagrass meadows, sandy patches, ‘urchin-grazed’ barrens and macroalgal-dominated beds, which are arranged in patches within seascapes in the eastern Atlantic. Our results showed that: 1) decapods, at least some species, settle preferentially on artificial collectors deployed on vegetated substrates when compared to those deployed on unvegetated substrates; 2) despite most decapods have a planktonic larval phase with wide oceanic dispersal, the presence of crustaceans in particular habitats suggests a great specificity at their early post-larval stages; and 3) although subtropical waters of Gran Canaria have a weak seasonal variation, early postlarval stages of decapod crustaceans showed two distinct settlement periods, i.e., a ‘cold’ and a ‘warm’ season.
ISSN: 0278-0372
DOI: 10.1163/1937240X-00002242
Source: Journal of Crustacean Biology [ISSN 0278-0372], v. 34, p. 431-441
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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