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Título: Transference Number Measurements For Libr In Ethanol-water Mixtures At 25 °C
Autores/as: Esteso, Miguel A.
Esparza, Miguel
González-Díaz, Oscar M. 
Grandoso, Domingo M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 2210 Química física
Fecha de publicación: 1989
Publicación seriada: Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data 
Resumen: Transference numbers for bol h lons of LlSr in elhanol-waler mixtures up lo 85 wt % ethanol at 25 oC are obtalned. The experimental tachnlque usad for these measurarnents Is the dlrect movlng boundary. These transference numbers, after the volume and the solvent correetlons are applled, are optlmlzed Irom the unlly value of thelr sum at eaeh eoneentratlon studled and the T_ values obtalned. Afterward these optlmlzed translerenee number values are also usad to optlmlze the eoneentratlon valua Cbea! for the dlfferenl LISr solutlons used. The extrapolatlon of these Tbea! to zero eoncentratlon values to flnd the IImlllng transferenee number values, TO, Is made by uslng the 1963 Fuoss and Onsager electrophoretle termo These TO values are analyzed wlth respeet to the ehange of Ihe ethanol eontent of the medium. Finally, lonle IImlting conduetance values are determined.
ISSN: 0021-9568
DOI: 10.1021/je00058a023
Fuente: Journal of Chemical and Engineering Data [ISSN 0021-9568], v. 34 (4), p. 448-452
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actualizado el 07-sep-2024

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