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Título: Activity coefficients for NaBr in ethanol-water mixtures at 25°C
Autores/as: González-Díaz, O. M. 
Fernández-Mérida, L.
Hernández-Luis, F.
Esteso, M. A.
Clasificación UNESCO: 2210 Química física
Palabras clave: Activity coefficients
Ethanol-water mixtures
Fecha de publicación: 1995
Publicación seriada: Journal of Solution Chemistry 
Resumen: Activity coefficients for NaBr in ethanol-water mixtures with 0, 20, 40, 60, 70, 80, 90 and 99.9 weight% of ethanol have been determined at 25°C from the emf measurements of the galvanic cells Na−glass/NaBr(m),H2O(100−Y),EtOH(Y),AgBr(S)/Ag The results obtained were analyzed by using the Pitzer equation. Those for the mixtures with ethanol content higher than 60 wt% were also analyzed by using a chemical model and their ion pair formation constants, K A 0 , determined and examined. The results were compared with those for NaCl reported in a previous paper.
ISSN: 0095-9782
DOI: 10.1007/BF00973206
Fuente: Journal of Solution Chemistry [ISSN 0095-9782], v. 24 (6), p. 551-563
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