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Título: Enhancement of stability and photoactivity of TiO2 coatings on annular glass reactors to remove emerging pollutants from waters
Autores/as: Espino-Estévez, M. Rocío
Fernández Rodríguez, Cristina 
González-Díaz, Oscar M. 
Navío, José A.
Fernández-Hevia, Daniel
Doña-Rodríguez, José M. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 221001 Catálisis
Palabras clave: Immobilized TiO2
Annular reactor
Emerging pollutants
Adhesion strength
Planetary mills, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Editor/a: 1385-8947
Proyectos: Sistema Completo de Caracterización de la Relación Entre Composición, Estructura y Fotoactividad de Sólidos Sintéticos Con Aplicaciones Fotocatalíticas. 
"Producción de Fotocatalizadores Nanoestructurados Por Procesos de Bajo Coste y Alta Productividad Para Descontaminación de Aguas Residuales: Nanobac 
Publicación seriada: Chemical Engineering Journal 
Resumen: TiO2 coatings of highly photoactive lab-made titania were prepared on the outer wall of the inner tube of a glass tubular reactor by dip-coating method. The effect of decreasing the size of the aggregates to improve adhesion and photoactivity of the coatings to degrade phenol, diclofenac and isoproturon was also investigated. Chemical disaggregation of the TiO2 particles resulted in a lower aggregate size, between 0.1 and 1 μm, than mechanical disaggregation, between 1 and 10 μm. The results of the adhesion tape test showed that either milling of aggregate material with a planetary mill or chemical stabilization of the particles were necessary to obtain TiO2 coatings on glass tube with acceptable quality to be used in water treatment applications. SEM images showed that coatings prepared after milling the TiO2 suspension were more homogeneous without surface aggregates. The degree of adhesion of the coatings after increasing the roughness of the support by abrasive blasting was also evaluated. Adhesion to the substrate was slightly lower when using the modified support. The photoactivity results showed that the coatings prepared after wet milling of catalyst during 30 min and after chemical disaggregation were more efficient in terms of degradation and mineralization when using phenol as model molecule. Subsequent studies with two emerging pollutants, diclofenac and isoproturon, also showed enhanced efficiency of these coatings. The reusability of the TiO2 coatings was also evaluated and a promising photocatalytic performance was observed with a very low variation of the decay rate after five consecutive usages.
ISSN: 1385-8947
DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2015.05.038
Fuente: Chemical Engineering Journal [ISSN 1385-8947], v. 279, p. 488-497
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