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Title: Pelvic fibromatosis: a case with clinical urologic features
Authors: Redondo Martínez, E.
Belón López-Tomasety, José Antonio 
Rey López, A.
Burgos Lázaro, F.
Isorna Martínez de la Riva, S. 
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
3205 Medicina interna
321316 Urología
Keywords: Fibroma
Pelvic neoplasms
Prostatic neoplasms
Issue Date: 1990
Journal: Archivos españoles de urología 
Abstract: We report on a patient with chronic prostate disease diagnosed as having a pelvic desmoid tumor (abdominal fibromatosis localized to the pelvis) whose presenting features were those of complete acute urinary retention. The findings on initial examination led us to suspect a prostate neoplasm which, however, was discarded by the results of the radiographic work up. The clinical and pathologic findings are presented and attention is drawn to the possibility that these mesenchymal neoplasms can have urological presenting symptoms and signs.
ISSN: 0004-0614
Source: Archivos espanoles de urologia[ISSN 0004-0614],v. 43(1), p. 64-66 (enenro-febrero 1990)
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