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Title: Application of harmonic injection dividers to frequency synthesizers in millimeter band
Authors: Perez, J.
Dorta, P. 
Trueba, A.
Sierra, F.
UNESCO Clasification: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Keywords: Harmonic injection dividers
Phase locked loops
Frequency synthesizers
Issue Date: 1987
Conference: 34th Congress on Electronics Joint Conference.; Rome, Italy
Abstract: A description is given of the design and realization of frequency dividers by harmonic injection, to be used in frequency synthesizers for a K-band (22-GHz) digital radio link. Three different dividers are presented with a brief description of their design and the experimental results obtained.
Source: Proceedings of MELECON '87: Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference, p. 361-364
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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