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Title: Intertectal commissural projection in the lizard Gallotia stehlini: Origin and midline topography
Authors: PerezSantana, L 
Martínez-De-La-Torre, Margaret
Loro, JF 
Puelles, Luis
Keywords: Optic Tectum
Centers, et al
Issue Date: 1996
Publisher: 0021-9967
Journal: Journal of Comparative Neurology 
Abstract: The retinotectal projection of reptiles is largely crossed. The intertectal commissure is an important pathway that interconnects directly the two sides of the optic tectum. The rostrocaudal topography of intertectal commissural fibers at the dorsal midplane was examined by means of the in vitro horseradish peroxidase (HRP) labelling technique in the lizard Gallotia stehlini. Unilateral large deposits of tracer in the optic tectum as well as smaller deposits restricted to one quadrant were used to map the intertectal fibers anterogradely. Most commissural axons reached the contralateral side grouped into a dense bundle at the transition between two structurally distinct parts of the midbrain dorsal midline. The smaller rostral zone relates laterally to the griseum tectale, whereas the larger caudal zone relates to the tectum. The intertectal fibers seem to converge on the rostralmost part of the latter midline region, even though they originate throughout the optic tectum. A rough rostrocaudal tectotopic order was detected at the midline. Retrogradely labelled neurons were best obtained by depositing HRP directly within the compact commissure at the midline. These belong to pyriform cells in the periventricular layers 3 and 5. Axons labelled from the tectum did not enter the posterior commissure nor the intervening commissural region related to the griseum tectale. (C) 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
ISSN: 0021-9967
DOI: 10.1002/(SICI)1096-9861(19960304)366:2<360::AID-CNE13>3.3.CO;2-D
Source: Journal Of Comparative Neurology[ISSN 0021-9967],v. 366 (2), p. 360-369
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