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Título: Affective disorders in the elderly
Autores/as: Díaz Palarea, Ma Dolores 
Martínez Pascual, Beatriz
Calvo Francés, Fernando 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320107 Geriatría
610104 Psicopatología
Palabras clave: Affective disorders
Fecha de publicación: 2002
Publicación seriada: Revista Multidisciplinar de Gerontologia 
Resumen: The psychopathologic disorders present a high prevalence in the general population (15-25%). On the other hand, the populational aging is one of the demographic phenomena with a clear trend to increase. The aged population, constitutes by if same, a group of risk where, to the related factors of mental problems that affect in the adult age, there are other more specific and characteristic of the old age associated. In the present work we present a review of the affective disorders in the geriatric population, and its relationship with different biological variables related to the own aging, the health state or the functional level; sociodemographic variables as age, sex, residence, functional ability or educational training, and psychosocial variables as life customs, anxiety and depression symptoms, vital events or social support.
ISSN: 1139-0921
Fuente: Revista Multidisciplinar de Gerontologia[ISSN 1139-0921],v. 12, p. 19-25
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