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Título: Study of the great saphenous vein system. The historical approach; its origin and course; a description of 2 new collaterals
Autores/as: Ortega Santana, F. 
Guijarro de Pablos, J.
Anitúa Solano, M.
Centol Ramírez, A.
López Calbet, J. A. 
González Sequeros, O.
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3205 Medicina interna
Palabras clave: Venous system
Saphenous vein
Fecha de publicación: 1991
Publicación seriada: Angiología (Barcelona) 
Resumen: An historical review of the evolution in the venous system study up to the time when venous system function was appropriately understood, is presented. Also, by standard dissection technics, different morphologic features of Magna saphenous vein (origin, trajectory and termination) are reviewed and concrete reference places are proposed in order to localize the Magna saphenous vein at ankle or inguinal level, places were the named vein is frequently aborted for surgical canalization or stripping procedures. Finally, the study of internal saphenous collaterals allowed to know about two undescribed vessels located in the lower limb (venous lateral arch and subperiosteal branch), vessels with a physiopathological relevance since Perforans veins drain to them and, in case of insufficiency, the risk of a varicose syndrome at their areas will be high.
ISSN: 0003-3170
Fuente: Angiología[ISSN 0003-3170],v. 43, p. 30-40
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actualizado el 08-jun-2024

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