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Título: Target organ damage and cardiovascular complications in patients with hypertension and type 2 diabetes in Spain: A cross-sectional study
Autores/as: Cea-Calvo, Luis
Conthe, Pedro
Gómez-Fernández, Pablo
de Alvaro, Fernando
Fernández-Pérez, Cristina
Acha Pérez, Francisco Javier
Afonso Suárez, Octavio
Aguilar Cortés, Eduardo
Aguilar Soler, Gerardo
Alonso Gómez, Juan Carlos
Alonso Ortiz, Belén 
Alonso Pardo, José María
Álvarez Chiva, Vicente
Amores Arriaga, Beatriz
Andía Melero, Víctor Manuel
Aomar Millán, Ismael
Aranda Lara, Pedro
Arias Zambrano, Andrés
Arroyo Díaz, Juan Antonio
Arteaga Coloma, Jesus
Asín Marcotegui, José Luis
Aznar Ondoño, Itziar
Barril Cuadrado, Guillermina
Basterrechea Sanz, Ma Ángeles
Becerra Fernández, Antonio
Benet Gusta, Teresa
Benítez Bermejo, Rosa Isabel
Bernardino de la Serna, José Ignacio
Bianchi Llave, José Luis
Bilbao Garay, Javier
Blancas Altabella, David
Blázquez Encinar, Julio Cesar
Boldova Gil, Ignacio
Borrego Hinojosa, Josefa
Bravo Blanco, Ana
Brito Sanfiel, Miguel Ángel
Bromsoms Artero, Josep
Burillo Fuertes, Maria Pilar
Caballero Granado, Francisco Javier
Camba Caride, Maria Jesús
Campayo Ibáñez, Antonio
Campos Gutiérrez, Belén
Cano Leal, Antonio
Cantero Sánchez, Natalia
Carraro Casieri, Raffaele
Carreño Hernández, María Cruz
Carreño Parrilla, Agustín
Carrillo Linares, Juan Luis
Casal Álvarez, Florentino
Castellanos Guerrero, Victoriano
del Castillo Palma, Maria Jesús
del Cazo Cativiela, F. Javier
Cebollada del Hoyo, Jesús
Cepero García, Daniel
Ceresuela Eito, Luis Miguel
Climent Codina, Celia
Collado Nieto, Silvia
Cortés Rodríquez, Begoña
Costa Ferrer, Natalia
Costero Fernández, Olga
de la Cruz de Frutos, Elena
Cuadrado Gómez, Luis Miguel
Chabrera Gaya, Vicente
Chimeno Viñas, Montserrat
Díaz Alcázar, Fernando
Díaz Molina, Hugo
Díaz Torres, Miguel Ángel
Drusetta Llahues, Antonio
Dueñas Gutiérrez, Carlos
Durán Castellón, Maria del Carmen
Elizaga Corrales, Jorge
Escalera Morón, Berta
Espino Montoro, Antonio
Espinosa Garriga, Gerard
Estefan Kasabji, Jorge
Estepa Marín, Araceli
Estévez Domínguez, Rafael
Ezquerra Larreina, Rafael
Fernández de Almeida, Alejandro
Fernández Galante, Inmaculada
Fernández Martín, Julián
Fernández Molle, José Enrique
Fernández Pérez, Esther
Fernández Torres, Celia
Ferré Vallés, Raimón
Filgueira Rubio, José Santiago
Flores Cid, Juan
Fontanals Allue, Carlos
Fort Ros, Juan
Galindo Andugar, Ma Ángeles
García Donaire, José Antonio
García Aparicio, Carlos
García Cors, Montserrat
García de Vinuesa, Soledad
García Fernández, Yolanda
García Malpartida, Katherinne Eloise
García Navarro, Maria Dolores
García Pardo, Antonio
García Pérez, Héctor
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3205 Medicina interna
320704 Patología cardiovascular
Fecha de publicación: 2006
Publicación seriada: Cardiovascular Diabetology 
Resumen: Background Target organ damage (mainly cardiac and renal damage) is easy to evaluate in outpatient clinics and offers valuable information about patient's cardiovascular risk. The purpose of this study was to evaluate, using simple methods, the prevalence of cardiac and renal damage and its relationship to the presence of established cardiovascular disease (CVD), in patients with hypertension (HT) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM). Methods The RICARHD study is a multicentre, cross-sectional study made by 293 investigators in Nephrology and Internal Medicine Spanish outpatient clinics, and included patients aged 55 years or more with HT and type 2 DM with more than six months of diagnosis. Demographic, clinical and biochemical data, and CVD were collected from the clinical records. Cardiac damage was defined by the presence of electrocardiographic left ventricular hypertrophy (ECG-LVH), and renal damage by a calculated glomerular filtration rate (GFR) of <60 ml/min/1.73 m2, and/or the presence of an albumin/creatinine ratio ≥ 30 mg/g; or an urinary albumin excretion (UAE) ≥ 30 mg/24 hours. Results 2339 patients (mean age 68.9 years, 48.2% females, 51.3% with established CVD) were included. ECG-LVH was present in 22.9% of the sample, GFR <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 in 45.1%, and abnormal UAE in 58.7%. Compared with the reference patients (those without neither cardiac nor renal damage), patients with ECG-LVH alone (OR 2.20, [95%CI 1.43–3.38]), or kidney damage alone (OR 1.41, [1.13–1.75]) showed an increased prevalence of CVD. The presence of both ECG-LVH and renal damage was associated with the higher prevalence (OR 3.12, [2.33–4.19]). After stratifying by gender, this relationship was present for both, men and women. Conclusion In patients with HT and type 2 DM, ECG-LVH or renal damage, evaluated using simple methods, are associated with an increased prevalence of established CVD. The simultaneous presence of both cardiac and renal damage was associated to the higher prevalence of CVD, affording complementary information. A systematic assessment of cardiac and renal damage complements the risk assessment of these patients with HT and type 2 DM.
ISSN: 1475-2840
DOI: 10.1186/1475-2840-5-23
Fuente: Cardiovascular Diabetology[ISSN 1475-2840],v. 5 (23) (Noviembre 2006)
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