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Título: Specific IgG antibody response against antigens of Dirofilaria immitis and its Wolbachia endosymbiont bacterium in cats with natural and experimental infections
Autores/as: Morchón, R.
Ferreira, A. C.
Martín-Pacho, J. R.
Montoya, A. 
Mortarino, M.
Genchi, C.
Simón, F.
Palabras clave: Filarial Nematodes
Heartworm Infection
Surface Protein
Neutrophils, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2004
Editor/a: 0304-4017
Publicación seriada: Veterinary Parasitology 
Resumen: Sera from three groups of cats under different experimental conditions were studied by ELISA to assess the host's immune response against synthetic peptides derived from Dirofilaria immitis (Dipp) and against the surface protein of its endosymbiont, Wolbachia (WSPr). In experimentally infected cats (Group 1), an increase of IgG antibody against both Dipp, and WSPr was observed from 2 months post-infection until the end of the study, 6 months post-infection. In experimentally infected cats, treated against infective larvae (Group 2), anti-Dipp IgG decreased dramatically from 4 months post-infection (3 months post treatment), showing very low values till the end of the study (6.5 months from infection, 5.5 months from treatment), while anti-WSP IgG increased constantly till the end of the study. Of 49 outdoor, asymptomatic cats exposed to a high risk of natural infection (Group 3), 9 were positive for anti-Dipp IgG and for a validated, in-clinic commercial antibody diagnostic kit for cats. Two cats were also found positive for circulating antigens of adult female worm. Anti-WSPr IgG were found in five of nine anti-Dipp IgG-positive sera and from eight ELISADipp-negative sera. Our results confirm the strong IgG response in heartworm infected cats and demonstrate the involvement of the Wolbachia endosymbiont in the immune reaction to the parasite both in experimentally infected cats and in cats exposed to a high risk of natural infection. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
ISSN: 0304-4017
DOI: 10.1016/j.vetpar.2004.08.003
Fuente: Veterinary Parasitology[ISSN 0304-4017],v. 125, p. 313-321
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