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Título: Interference simulator for the whole HF band: Application to CW-morse
Autores/as: Mendieta-Otero, Eduardo 
Perez-Alvarez, Ivan A. 
Pérez Díaz, Baltasar 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Palabras clave: Interference
Poisson processes
continuous wave (CW)-Morse
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Editor/a: 0018-9375
Publicación seriada: IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility 
Resumen: In this paper, we use jointly a model of narrow band interference and a congestion model to model and implement an interference simulator for the whole HF band. The result is a model to generate interfering signals that could be found in a given frequency allocation, at a given time (past, present, or future) and for a given location. Our model does not require measurements and it is characterized by its ease of use and the freedom it offers to choose scene (modulation, location, week, year, etc.). In addition, we have defined a generic modulating function and the conditions to model a "contact" continuous wave (CW)-Morse, which meets the usual standards of contest. Consequently, our interference model in conjunction with the CW-Morse modulating function designed results in a specific CW-Morse model for amateur contests. As an example of the simulation model, we simulate the CW-Morse communications on the contest "ARRL Field Day 2011."
ISSN: 0018-9375
DOI: 10.1109/TEMC.2014.2313064
Fuente: Ieee Transactions On Electromagnetic Compatibility[ISSN 0018-9375],v. 56 (3), p. 571-580
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