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Title: Evaluation of the effect of rennet type on the texture and colour of goats cheese
Authors: Fresno, M. R.
Álvarez, S.
Rodríguez, V.
Castro, N. 
Argüello, A. 
Keywords: Quality
Issue Date: 2006
Publisher: 0971-2119
Journal: Journal of Applied Animal Research 
Abstract: Goat milk cheese was made using natural rennet paste from kid's abomasum using the traditional method used for Palmero AOC Cheese and commercial rennet (50% quimosin, 50% pepsin). Changes in composition, colour and texture were evaluated in fresh (6d ripening), semi-hard (40d ripening) and hard cheeses (70d ripening) that were made according to the specifications of AOC Regulatory Board. Cheese made with natural paste were harder, more elastic, breakable and darker than those made with commercial rennet.
ISSN: 0971-2119
DOI: 10.1080/09712119.2006.9706609
Source: Journal of Applied Animal Research[ISSN 0971-2119],v. 30, p. 157-160
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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