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Título: Effect of ozone therapy on muscle oxygenation
Autores/as: Clavo, Bernardino 
Fiuza, Dolores
Robaina, Francisco
Günderoth, Martina
Pérez, Juan L.
López Ríos,Laura 
Suárez, Gerardo
Lloret Sáez-Bravo, Marta 
Rodríguez, Victor
Macías Verde, David Armando 
Santana, Maite
Morera Molina, Jesús Manuel 
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
3205 Medicina interna
Palabras clave: Ozoone therapy
Ischemic disorders
Muscle oxigenation
Fecha de publicación: 2003
Publicación seriada: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine 
Resumen: Background and objective: Ozone therapy is being used to treat ischemic disorders. However, the underlying mechanisms for the success are unknown and the therapy has not been accepted fully within conventional medicine. This study sought to assess the effect of ozone therapy on resting muscle oxygenation. Patients and design: Twenty-three (23) patients and 3 volunteers were recruited for this prospective study. Systemic ozone therapy was administered by autohemotransfusion on three alternate days over 1 week. Tissue oxygenation (mmHg) was directly measured in the tibialis anterior muscle using polarographic needle electrodes before and after the first and the third ozone therapy session. Results: Globally, the differences in oxygenation were not statistically significant but there was a significant decrease in the percentage of low-oxygenated values (pO(2) < 5 mmHg) following ozone sessions (p < 0.02). The change in muscle oxygenation following ozone therapy was inversely correlated with age (r = -0.398; p = 0.044) and with the initial (baseline pretherapy) muscle oxygenation values (r = -0.644; p < 0.001), indicating that the more poorly oxygenated muscles benefited most from the therapy. A significant (p = 0.031) higher oxygenation in these tissues was observed 48 hours after the second session. Conclusions: Ozone therapy can modify oxygenation in resting muscles, particularly of those that are most hypoxic. Our results suggest that ozone therapy could be used effectively as a complementary treatment of hypoxic and ischemic syndromes and that the therapy warrants further investigation for possible application in other clinical conditions.
ISSN: 1075-5535
DOI: 10.1089/10755530360623365
Fuente: Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine[ISSN 1075-5535],v. 9, p. 251-256
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