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Title: On a quadratic integral equation with supremum involving Erdélyi-Kober fractional order
Authors: Darwish, Mohamed Abdalla
Sadarangani, Kishin 
UNESCO Clasification: 12 Matemáticas
Keywords: Darbo's fixed point theorem
Fractional calculus
Measure of noncompactness
Quadratic integral equation, et al
Issue Date: 2015
Journal: Mathematische Nachrichten 
Abstract: We introduce Erdélyi-Kober fractional quadratic integral equation with supremum, namely x(t)=f(t)+α(Tx)(t)Γ(β)∫0tsα-1u(t,s,x(s),max[0,σ(s)]|x(τ)|)tα-sα1-βds,0≤t≤1,α>0,β∈(0,1). This equation contains as special cases numerous integral equations studied by other authors. We show that there exists at least one monotonic solution belonging to C[0, 1] of our equation. The main tools in our analysis are Darbo fixed point theorem and the measure of noncompactness related to monotonicity which was introduced by Banaś and Olszowy. Finally, we present an example for illustrating the natural realizations of our abstract results
ISSN: 0025-584X
DOI: 10.1002/mana.201400063
Source: Mathematische Nachrichten [ISSN 0025-584X], v. 288 (5-6), p. 566-576
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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