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Título: Epileptic seizures and multiple sclerosis: Anatomoclinical association
Autores/as: Murillo, Ma J.
Aladro, Y.
Mompeo, B 
Ramírez, J. A.
Rodríguez, F. 
Callicó, A.
Navarro, B.
Cubero, A.
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320507 Neurología
Palabras clave: Epileptic seizures
Fecha de publicación: 1999
Publicación seriada: Revista de Neurologia 
Resumen: Introduction. The prevalence of epilepsy in multiple sclerosis (MS) is low and the occurrence of an epileptic seizure as a first sign of this illness is even more infrequent. The relationship between both these illnesses is not clear; as epilepsy is a common condition, a coincidental association only could exist between the two diseases. Objective. To establish a nexus of causality between epilepsy an MS. Clinical case. We present one case of epileptic seizures as the first manifestation of MS. The patient was a woman of 25 years old. The only result of the clinical examination was a right homonymous inferior cuadrantanopsy. The patient presented a high Tibbling index, lesions of demyelination in the subcortical occipital region and semioval centrum in the MRI and a pathological electroencephalagram; also, the visual and auditory evoked potential latency were delayed. Conclusion. We related he results of the neuroimaging, the clinical examination and the complementary tests of the patient. The appears to be a causal association between epilepsy and MS.
ISSN: 0210-0010
Fuente: Revista De Neurologia[ISSN 0210-0010],v. 29 (6), p. 508-510
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