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Title: A two-channel artificial vision system for motion analysis
Authors: Quesada-Arencibia, Alexis 
Moreno-Díaz, Roberto 
Aleman-Flores, Miguel 
UNESCO Clasification: 120304 Inteligencia artificial
Keywords: Lateral inhibition
Motion analysis
Receptive field
Time integration
Issue Date: 2003
Journal: Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation 
Abstract: In this paper we present a working vision system for estimating size, location and motion of an object by using a set of randomly distributed receptive fields on a retina. The approach used here differs from more conventional ones in which the receptive fields are arranged in a geometric pattern. From the input level, computations are performed in parallel in two different channels: one for purely spatial properties, the other for time-space analysis, and are then used at a subsequent level to yield estimates of the size and centre of gravity of an object and the speed and direction of motion. Movement analysis refining is implemented by a lateral interaction (spatial) and memory (temporal) schemes in which direction and speed are used to build a trajectory. The different parameters involved (receptive field size, memory weighting function, number of cells) are tested for different speeds and the results compared, yielding new insights on the functioning of the living retina and suggesting ideas for improving the artificial system.
ISSN: 0232-9298
DOI: 10.1080/02329290310001600327
Source: Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation [ISSN 0232-9298], v. 43 (9), p. 1271-1279
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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