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Título: Detoxification of the herbicide propanil by means of Fenton process and TiO2-photocatalysis
Autores/as: González Sánchez, O. M.
Araña, J. 
González Díaz, O. 
Herrera Melián, J. A. 
Doña Rodríguez, J. M. 
Pérez Peña, J. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 330811 Control de la contaminación del agua
Palabras clave: Photocatalysis
Fenton and toxicity
Fecha de publicación: 2014
Editor/a: 1010-6030
Publicación seriada: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry 
Resumen: An optimization study was carried out from the detoxification of waters contaminated by the herbicide propanil at the maximum concentrations found in different rice-growing cooperatives in Ecuador. Studies included the degradation, mineralization and detoxification of the herbicide through TiO2-photocatalysis using two different catalysts, P25 Evonik and ECT1023t (a catalyst prepared by our research group), and through the Fenton reaction. It was determined that pH (studied between 3 and 7) had a determining effect on mineralization, especially with P25, but not on degradation. Adsorption and FTIR studies revealed a strong interaction of propanil with the catalyst surface, which conditioned the effectiveness of each of the studied catalysts. Propanil degradation with TiO2-photocatalysis occurred in 2 h, but complete detoxification required 12 h. In the case of the Fenton reaction, degradation was immediate but detoxification was not possible due to the inhibition of mineralization. With these results in mind, a study was made of a combination of the Fenton and TiO2-photocatalysis methods using ECT1023t, which resulted in a fourfold increase in the detoxification rate compared to that for heterogeneous photocatalysis. This result may be highly significant for the application of these techniques in processes in which the reaction time is of considerable importance.
ISSN: 1010-6030
DOI: 10.1016/j.jphotochem.2014.07.001
Fuente: Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology A: Chemistry [ISSN 1010-6030],v. 291, p. 34-43
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