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Title: Computer vision and image processing in environmental research
Authors: Alvarez, Luis 
UNESCO Clasification: 220990 Tratamiento digital. Imágenes
120601 Construcción de algoritmos
120602 Ecuaciones diferenciales
120326 Simulación
120304 Inteligencia artificial
Keywords: Applied mathematics
Computer vision
Environmental research
Issue Date: 2003
Journal: Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation 
Abstract: The motivation of this work is to illustrate the capabilities of a number of image processing techniques, developed by the research group "Mathematical Analysis of Images" of the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, in the context of environmental research. These image processing techniques include image enhancement, edge detection, snakes, optic flow computation and stereo vision. We will show the expected applications of these techniques to the study of aerial images.
ISSN: 0232-9298
DOI: 10.1080/0232929032000115010
Source: Systems Analysis Modelling Simulation [ISSN 0232-9298], v. 43 (9), p. 1229-1242
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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