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Title: Modeling of population kinetics of plasmas that are not in local thermodynamic equilibrium, using a versatile collisional-radiative model based on analytical rates
Authors: Florido, R. 
Rodriguez, R. 
Gil, J. M. 
Rubiano, J. G. 
Martel, P. 
Mínguez, E.
Mancini, R. C.
UNESCO Clasification: 220410 Física de plasmas
Keywords: Electron-Impact Ionization
Photon-Escape Probabilities
Charge-State Distribution
Laser-Produced Plasmas
Non-Lte Plasmas, et al
Issue Date: 2009
Publisher: 1539-3755
Project: Keep in Touch (UE)
Journal: Physical Review E - Statistical, Nonlinear, and Soft Matter Physics 
Abstract: We discuss the modeling of population kinetics of nonequilibrium steady-state plasmas using a collisional-radiative model and code based on analytical rates (ABAKO). ABAKO can be applied to low-to-high Z ions for a wide range of laboratory plasma conditions: coronal, local thermodynamic equilibrium or nonlocal thermodynamic equilibrium, and optically thin or thick plasmas. ABAKO combines a set of analytical approximations to atomic rates, which yield substantial savings in computer running time, still comparing well with more elaborate codes and experimental data. A simple approximation to calculate the electron capture cross section in terms of the collisional excitation cross section has been adapted to work in a detailed-configuration-accounting approach, thus allowing autoionizing states to be explicitly included in the kinetics in a fast and efficient way. Radiation transport effects in the atomic kinetics due to line trapping in the plasma are taken into account via geometry-dependent escape factors. Since the kinetics problem often involves very large sparse matrices, an iterative method is used to perform the matrix inversion. In order to illustrate the capabilities of the model, we present a number of results which show that the ABAKO compares well with customized models and simulations of ion population distribution. The utility of ABAKO for plasma spectroscopic applications is also outlined.
ISSN: 1539-3755
DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevE.80.056402
Source: Physical Review E [ISSN 1539-3755], v. 80 (5, part. 2), 056402 (Noviembre 2009)
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