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Título: A guided tour to the GNAT run-time
Autores/as: Miranda, Javier 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3304 Tecnología de los ordenadores
Palabras clave: Ada
Fecha de publicación: 2003
Editor/a: 1381-6551
Publicación seriada: Ada User Journal 
Resumen: This paper presents a free book which describes the GNAT implementation of the Ada Run-Time. In order to facilitate the use of the book for research and teaching, the html version of the book has hyperlinks to the GNAT sources and the Annotated Ada Reference Manual. This allows the reader to verify the contents of the book and a fast access to analyse the details of the Ada Run-Time not described in the book. Additionally, most of the papers referenced to in the bibliography section are available by means of hyperlinks.
ISSN: 1381-6551
Fuente: Ada User Journal[ISSN 1381-6551],v. 24, p. 55-59
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