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Título: Gallbladder mucocele in two dogs with pituitary-dependent hyperadrenocorticism: A case report
Autores/as: Melián Limiñana, Carlos 
Morales Doreste, Manuel Francisco 
Perez-Alenza, M. D.
Corbera Sánchez, Juan Alberto 
Diez Bru, N.
Clasificación UNESCO: 310907 Patología
Palabras clave: Gallbladder
Kiwi gallbladder
Fecha de publicación: 2006
Editor/a: 0971-2119
Publicación seriada: Journal of Applied Animal Research 
Resumen: Gallbadder mucocele in two clinical cases of dogs with hyperadrenocorticism has been described. Decreased gallbladder motility, biliary stasis and altered absortion of water from the gallbladder lumen are predisposing factors to the formation of biliary sludge and it is possible that biliary sludge is a precipitating factor in the formation of gallbladder mucoceles. Dogs with hyperadrenocorticism commonly present biliary sludge and hepatomegaly and might be predisposed to gallbladder mucocele. Hyperadrenocorticism is associated with thrombosis and a hypercoagulability state, which can contribute to gallbladder ischemia and necrosis. Further studies are needed to fully understand the effect on hyperadrenocorticism on gallbladder function.
ISSN: 0971-2119
DOI: 10.1080/09712119.2006.9706599
Fuente: Journal of Applied Animal Research [ISSN 0971-2119], v. 30, p. 117-120
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