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Title: Atomic physics modeling and applications for ICF plasmas
Authors: Mínguez, Emilio
Mendoza, Miguel A. 
Rodríguez, Rafael 
Rubiano, Jesus G. 
Gil, Juan M. 
Florido, Ricardo 
Martel, Pablo 
UNESCO Clasification: 2207 Física atómica y nuclear
Keywords: ICF plasma
Computational model to calculate plasma property
Average ionization
Thermodynamic regime
Mean opacity, et al
Issue Date: 2013
Project: Determinación de Propiedades Radiativas, Termodinamicas y Diagnosis Espectroscopica de Plasmas de Interés Científico-Tecnológico 
Journal: Plasma and Fusion Research 
Abstract: The Atomic Physics Group at the Institute of Nuclear Fusion (DENIM) in Spain has accumulated experience over the years in developing a collection of computational models and tools for determining some relevant microscopic properties of, mainly, ICF and laser-produced plasmas in a variety of conditions. In this work several applications of those models in determining some relevant microscopic properties are presented.
DOI: 10.1585/pfr.8.3404056
Source: Plasma and Fusion Research [ISSN 1880-6821], v. 8, p. 3404056
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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