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Title: Parallelization of the Moment Method in the Computation of Microstrip Structures
Authors: Ojeda-Guerra, C. N. 
Cabrera, F. 
Jiménez, E. 
Macías, E. 
Suarez, A 
UNESCO Clasification: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Keywords: Microstrip structures
Data distribution
Green's function
LU factorization
Overlapping of the communications
Issue Date: 2000
Journal: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Information Sciences
Conference: Proceedings of the Fifth Joint Conference on Information Sciences, JCIS 2000 
Abstract: In the last decade, the use of the parallel architectures in the solution of complex scientific and engineering problems has been proved as the most efficient way. However, effective use of these supercomputers requieres a good design of the algorithms, as regards the data distribution and the communication requirements. In this paper, we present the parallelization of a complex problem to predict the electromagnetic behaviour of the microwave circuits. The parallel algorithm was implemented in the IBM-SP2 using MPI library and overlap computations and communications, in order to minimize the overhead of the communications. The final results prove the improvement in the execution time.
ISBN: 0964345692
Source: Proceedings of the Joint Conference on Information Sciences,v. 5, p. 387-390
Appears in Collections:Actas de congresos
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