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Título: A wireless method for drone identification and monitoring using AIS technology
Autores/as: Molina, Nicolás
Cabrera, F. 
Arana, V. 
Tichavska, M. 
Dorta-Naranjo, B. P. 
Godoy, José Antonio
Clasificación UNESCO: 3325 Tecnología de las telecomunicaciones
Palabras clave: Artificial intelligence
Wireless communication
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Proyectos: Frontal de Rf Direccional y de Doble Banda Para Drones Ligeros Multicopteros 
Publicación seriada: 2018 2Nd Ursi Atlantic Radio Science Meeting (At-Rasc)
Conferencia: 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting, AT-RASC 2018 
Resumen: The fast growth of UAV (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) technology in the last years has allowed to extend the use of these devices in many applications. However, the massive use of drones has alerted many governments about an inadequate usage, mainly in terms of security and terrorism. In regards to this problem, some laws about drone usage have been approved by some countries. Among these laws, it is mandatory that all drones are identified and monitored all the time. In this paper, a wireless prototype to identify drones is proposed. To that end, the AIS (Automatic Identification System) is used to transmit parameters as name, ID, speed or the course of drones. This proposed solution can solve the drone identification problem and even, allows to monitor this device in real time. A prototype of this method has been implemented and tested in a real environment, around many locations in the island of Gran Canaria.
ISBN: 978-90-825987-3-5
DOI: 10.23919/URSI-AT-RASC.2018.8471616
Fuente: 2018 2nd URSI Atlantic Radio Science Meeting, AT-RASC 2018, Gran Canaria, Meloneras, Spain, 28 May-1 June 2018. (8471616)
Colección:Actas de congresos
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