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Title: Teachers' opinion survey on the use of ICT tools to support attendance-based teaching
Authors: Castro Sánchez, José Juan 
Chirino Alemán, Elena 
UNESCO Clasification: 58 Pedagogía
Keywords: ICT integrated environments
ICT tools
Teachers’ opinions
Virtual campus
Lifelong learning
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: 0360-1315
Journal: Computers and Education 
Abstract: The present paper reports on the results obtained from a teachers’ opinion survey on the use of ICT tools to support of attendance-based teaching. In order to carry out this study, it was necessary to design a questionnaire to collect data among all in-service teachers with access to the university virtual campus. The findings show that respondents keep an open mind on incorporating ICT tools into their daily practices, on that point, this research has significantly contributed to the educational institution by providing accurate information about ICT use. The survey has also encouraged the university in its work on the integration of ICT in every area where it is possible, with the aim objectives of increasing access to learning, providing equal educational opportunities for all and ensuring lifelong learning, which are the mainstays of the Bologna Declaration.
ISSN: 0360-1315
DOI: 10.1016/j.compedu.2010.11.005
Source: Computers and Education [ISSN 0360-1315], v. 56, p. 911-915
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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