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Título: A fully integrated rf front end for DVB-SH
Autores/as: García-Vázquez, Hugo 
Khemchandani, Sunil L. 
Ramos-Valido, Dailos 
Juanicorena, Aitor
Luján-Martínez, Carmen
Del Pino, Javier 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Palabras clave: DVB-SH
low‐noise amplifier
single‐to‐differential converter
front end
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Editor/a: 0895-2477
Publicación seriada: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 
Resumen: This article describes a RF front end for DVB‐SH (2.17–2.2 GHz) implemented in UMC CMOS 90 nm process. This receiver includes a low noise amplifier (LNA), a single‐to‐differential converter, and a mixer. The LNA is based on cascode topology combined with a narrow band impedance matching and LC tank load. The single‐to‐differential converter generates a pair of differential output signals from a single input, which have balanced amplitude and phase. This converter is followed by a Gilbert cell based quadrature mixer. The measurements show a conversion gain of 15.7–15.5 dB, an input return loss (S11) of −12 dB, and an output compression point of 1.92 dBm. This receiver has a simulated noise figure of 2.2 dB. This combination draws 22 mW from a 1.2‐V supply
ISSN: 0895-2477
DOI: 10.1002/mop.26974
Fuente: Microwave and Optical Technology Letters[ISSN 0895-2477],v. 54, p. 1944-1949
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