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Título: Study on Rapid Manufacturing training needs in the European context
Autores/as: Ortega, Zaida 
Monzón, Mario D. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3313 Tecnología e ingeniería mecánicas
Palabras clave: Training
Rapid Manufacturing
Fecha de publicación: 2011
Publicación seriada: Society of Plastics Engineers - EUROTEC 2011 Conference Proceedings
Conferencia: EUROTEC 2011 Conference, in Conjunction with EQUIPLAST 
Resumen: Rapid Manufacturing (RM), as one of the most important emerging technologies, has a high potential as part of European industry, with a clear role in manufacturing process and economy. In this context, seven EU entities have proposed an e-learning program on these technologies, to increase its knowledge and use, with the aim of improving competitiveness in companies. Results on surveys prepared in this project with the aim of establishing the actual situation in Europe in this field and filled in by companies and training centres are presented in this communication, providing an overview of RM general knowledge and use.
Fuente: Society of Plastics Engineers - EUROTEC 2011 Conference Proceedings
Colección:Actas de congresos
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