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Título: First feeding regimes for long-snout seahorse Hippocampus reidi larvae
Autores/as: Garcia-Manchón, J.
Socorro-Cruz, J.
Segade-Botella, A.
Otero-Ferrer, F. 
Mesa, A.
Molina Domínguez, L. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 251092 Acuicultura marina
Palabras clave: Seahorses
First feeding
Fecha de publicación: 2013
Publicación seriada: Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences 
Resumen: Seahorses are endangered species included in Appendix II of CITES from 2002 due to the progressive regression of wild populations. This study focused in Hippocampus reidi, one of the species with highest interest in trade, showing an increasing demand in the last decades. This study was conducted during 28 days to compare the effects of different time enrichment (0, 24, and 48h) for Artemia using a commercial product (Easy-Selco DHA INVE Aquaculture, Dendermonde, Belgium). Results showed no significant differences in growth between treatments until 21DAB, after which animals fed for 48h one enriched Artemia showed significantly better growth. Cumulative average survival during the first 14DAB was significantly higher in Oh treatment, while from 15DAB to the end of the experiment, no significantly differences were observed.
ISSN: 1379-1176
Fuente: Communications in agricultural and applied biological sciences [ISSN 1379-1176], v. 78 (4), p. 139-142
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