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Título: Special issue introduction
Autores/as: Haroun Tabraue, Ricardo Jesús 
Abramic, Andrej 
Otero-Ferrer, Francisco 
Clasificación UNESCO: 2510 Oceanografía
241705 Biología marina
Palabras clave: Marine/maritime atlas
European Seas
Coastal/marine information system
Maritime spatial planning
Fecha de publicación: 2018
Publicación seriada: Ocean and Coastal Management 
Resumen: There is a significant increase in demand and competition for the use of the maritime space in the last decades, with multiple stakeholders having diverse interests and potential conflicts. Finding the balance between maritime sectors development and ecosystem planning is a big challenge for European common policy and maritime sector as a whole. Thus, integrated development of maritime activities within the ecosystem planning is a relatively new concept, which have been implementing mainly on the European Seas. This ecosystem approach aims to bring huge potential for socio-economic growth, ensuring at the same time environmental services and promoting conservation of marine biodiversity. In this sense, it is necessary to manage information on maritime activities and environmental data to find out and apply sustainable development solutions. The International Conference “Maritime Spatial Planning, Ecosystem Approach and Supporting Information Systems (MaPSIS)” was held from 24 to 28 April, in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, within the framework of the ERA-Chair EcoAqua project. The main goal of MaPSIS 2017 was to bring an open forum for researchers, policy and decision makers, professionals and other stakeholders involved in the European Marine Strategy Framework Directive, Maritime spatial planning, Marine environment protection, Marine policies and Maritime open data initiatives. The conference scope was to show the state of the art and offer the proper arena for exchange of information and scientific discussions in the above mentioned topics, with special focus in the seas around the European Outermost Regions. From 103 accepted oral and poster communications presented during MapSIS, this OCMA special issue includes 13 papers covering a range of the conference topics. Besides, the main conclusions defined in that international conference are available on the following link: We would like to express our gratitude to all contributors as well as to OCMA Editor in Chief for supporting this publishing initiative, which may enhance a responsible blue growth in diverse coastal and maritime areas, including Europe Overseas.
ISSN: 0964-5691
DOI: 10.1016/j.ocecoaman.2018.07.010
Fuente: Ocean and Coastal Management [ISSN 0964-5691], v. 166, p. 1
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