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Título: Obama and Bush: Their victory and non-victory speeches
Autores/as: Fernández Martínez, Dolores 
Trujillo González, Veronica Cristina 
Clasificación UNESCO: 57 Lingüística
5701 Lingüística aplicada
Palabras clave: Discourse analysis
Political discourse
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Editor/a: 0717-1285
Publicación seriada: Onomazein 
Resumen: This article aims to analyse the use of the first person plural, second person and third person references in Obama’s and Bush’s victory speeches. The contrasting circumstances surrounding the election of both presidents were imprinted on discourse through different patterns of personal references (martin, 1992) and transitivity structures (Halliday, 2004 [1985]). By analysing them this paper will illustrate the social function of individuals in the speeches, as well as the way in which the systematic use of both linguistic devices contributed ultimately to define the role of the speakers as presidents of the United States. Whereas Obama’s victory speech centred on the audience and allowed them to feel protagonists, Bush’s anti-triumphant speech ignored them.
ISSN: 0717-1285
Fuente: Onomazein[ISSN 0717-1285],v. 25, p. 205-217
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