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Título: Differential current mode serial link for 2 Gb/s in GaAs technology
Autores/as: Esper-Chaín, R. 
Tobajas, F. 
Sarmiento, R. 
Clasificación UNESCO: 3307 Tecnología electrónica
Palabras clave: High-speed serial links
Differential current mode
Power dissipation
Fecha de publicación: 2002
Editor/a: 0026-2692
Publicación seriada: Microelectronics 
Resumen: Today's data communication systems are demanding increasing off-chip data rates. To satisfy this demand, high-speed serial links are used, saving area and power dissipation compared to highly parallel buses. However, power dissipation and noise generated by this system is still a critical issue. In this article, a novel approach using differential current mode is presented, which combines low power dissipation with low noise generated due to the reduced power transmission.
ISSN: 0026-2692
DOI: 10.1016/S0026-2692(02)00116-7
Fuente: Microelectronics Journal[ISSN 0026-2692],v. 33, p. 1107-1114
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