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Título: Bone mineral density in two different socio-economic population groups
Autores/as: del Rio Barquero, Luis
Baures, Montserrat Romera
Segura, Javier Pavia
Quinquer, Jorge Setoain
Majem, Luis Serra 
Ruiz, Pilar Garces
Navarro, Candida Lafuente
Torné, Francisco M.Domenech
Clasificación UNESCO: 32 Ciencias médicas
320714 Osteopatología
Palabras clave: Bone mineral density
Spanish population
Dual-photon absorptiometry
Socio-economic level
Fracture threshold, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 1992
Publicación seriada: Bone and Mineral 
Resumen: We have studied the bone mineral density (BMD) of the lumbar spine in two healthy population groups in Spain with similar characteristics but with different socio-economic levels. BMD was measured in 1116 individuals of both sexes in two selected groups: (A) 832 volunteers in the urban Barcelona area and (B) 284 volunteers from a suburb with lower socio-economic level. Individuals of group A have greater spine BMD than group B. The maximum difference was found in the group between 20 to 39 years: 5% (P < 0.001) in men and 3% (P < 0.05) in women. The patterns of bone loss in both groups were similar in onset, rate and quantity, suggesting a possible developmental cause for this difference. Bone loss in women began before the menopause and increased considerably in the following years. The BMD values show that most people at advanced age from the low socio-economic group cross the fracture threshold earlier than the first group.
ISSN: 0169-6009
DOI: 10.1016/0169-6009(92)90856-9
Fuente: Bone and Mineral [ISSN 0169-6009], v. 18, p. 159-168
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