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Title: Evaluation of drug consumption in the population of Andorra
Other Titles: Evaluacion del consumo de medicamentos en la poblacion andorrana
Authors: Lopez Blanco, F. 
Prieto Ramos, F.
Reguant Aleix, J.
Ramon Torrell, J. M.
Serra Majem, L. L. 
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
611303 Abuso de drogas
Keywords: Drug evaluation studies
Health surveys
Issue Date: 1997
Journal: Farmacia Clinica 
Abstract: The rational use of drugs involves knowing their consumption levels in a community. In a Health Survey of the Principality of Andorra questions were included on the use of drugs in the population. We studied a sample of 672 adult subjects using a random stratified sampling technique. Data were collected by means of a personal home interview with a questionnaire. 35.9% of the persons interviewed took drugs during the period studied. The percentage was higher in women (43,8%) than in men (29.1%) and consumption increased with age. 68.8% took a single drug, whereas 31.2% were polymedicated. 89,8% of the drugs used were prescribed by the doctor and the ones most commonly used were: antihypertensives, analgesics, antiinfluenzals, vasodilators, anticontraceptives and vitamins. The results are indicators of the state of health of the Andorran population. The degree of polymedication is a matter of concern, although the Andorrans consume fewer drugs than the Spanish.
ISSN: 0212-6583
Source: Farmacia Clinica [ISSN 0212-6583], v. 14
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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