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Title: Nutrient adequacy and Mediterranean Diet in Spanish school children and adolescents
Authors: Serra-Majem, Lluís 
Ribas Barba, L.
García, A.
Pérez-Rodrigo, C.
Aranceta Bartrina, J.
UNESCO Clasification: 32 Ciencias médicas
3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Keywords: Adolescent
Food consumption
Mediterranean Diet
Nutrient intake, et al
Issue Date: 2003
Journal: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 
Conference: 5th Congress of the Spanish-Society-for-Community-Nutrition/3rd Ibero-American Congrss on Nutrition and Public Health 
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate dietary habits and nutritional status of Spanish school children and adolescents, and their relationship with the Mediterranean Diet.Design: Cross-sectional study by face-to-face interview.Setting: Free living children and adolescents of all Spanish regions.Subjects: A random sample of 3166 people aged 6-24 y.Methods: Home interviews conducted by a team of 43 dietitians included 24-h recalls (a second 24-h recall in 25% of the sample) and a short frequency questionnaire to determine the quality of the Mediterranean Diet (KIDMED).Results: The participation rate was 68%. In general, the adequacy of the Mediterranean Diet rose with increased mean intakes of the majority of vitamins and minerals and decreased percentages of inadequate intakes (<2/3 of the RNI) for calcium, magnesium, vitamin 136 and C in both sexes, and iron and vitamin A only in females.Conclusions: This study demonstrates that the Mediterranean Diet contributes to nutritional quality, and also shows concomitant risks as the Mediterranean Diet deteriorates.
ISSN: 0954-3007
DOI: 10.1038/sj.ejcn.1601812
Source: European Journal of Clinical Nutrition [ISSN 0954-3007], v. 57 (Supl. 1), p. S35-S39, (Septiembre 2003)
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