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Title: Cyclamate intake and cylohexylamine excretion are not related to male fertility in humans
Authors: Serra-Majem, L. 
Bassas, L.
García-Glosas, R.
Ribas, L.
Inglés, C.
Casals, I.
Saavedra, P. 
Renwick, A. G.
UNESCO Clasification: 5201 Fertilidad
3206 Ciencias de la nutrición
Keywords: Cyclamate
Male fertility
Sperm concentration
Sperm motility, et al
Issue Date: 2003
Journal: Food Additives and Contaminants 
Abstract: Cyclamate and its metabolite cyclohexylamine affect male fertility in high dose animal studies, but this affect has not been investigated in epidemiological studies. This paper reports the first epidemiological study designed to investigate the possibility of a relationship between cyclamate and cyclohexylamine and male fertility in humans, in which 405 cases of clinically defined infertility in men and 379 controls were surveyed. Semen evaluation, urine analysis for cyclamate and cyclohexylamine and dietary questionnaires were compared between cases and controls. No evidence was found of a significant association between cyclamate intake and male infertility; neither high cyclamate nor high cyclohexylamine excretion were associated with elevated risk. The lack of association remained after adjusting by age, area of residence, education, total energy intake and other variables. No significant correlations were observed between cyclamate intake, metabolism or excretion, and sperm count and motility. The results demonstrate no effect of cyclamate or cyclohexylamine on male fertility at the present levels of cyclamate consumption.
ISSN: 0265-203X
DOI: 10.1080/02652030310001620450
Source: Food Additives and Contaminants [ISSN 0265-203X], v. 20(12), p. 1097-1104
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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