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Título: Social engagement and regional theatre: patterns of theatre attendance
Autores/as: Grisolía Santos, José María 
Willis, Ken
Wymer, Colin
Law, Andrew
Clasificación UNESCO: 5312 Economía sectorial
Palabras clave: Teatro
Turismo cultural
Modelos económicos
Fecha de publicación: 2010
Editor/a: 0954-8963
Publicación seriada: Cultural Trends 
Resumen: This paper assesses the degree to which a typical regional theatre engages with society. It uses postcodes from theatre booking data and compares the socioecenomic profiles of these postcodes with postcodes from which no theatregoers are drawn. A re-working of recent theories of class provides a conceptual context, whilst discriminant analysis is used to identify the socioecenomic factors of postcodes associated with theatre and non-theatre attendance. Education factors were the principal determinants of attendance, with occupational categories being important, but lower socioecenomic groups were less likely to engage with theatre. However, social engagement and factors determining attendance varied by type of show: comedy, drama, family and Shakespearian productions.
ISSN: 0954-8963
DOI: 10.1080/09548963.2010.495277
Fuente: Cultural Trends[ISSN 0954-8963],v. 19, p. 225-244
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