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Título: Intrinsic order, lexicographic order, vector order and hamming weight
Autores/as: González, Luis 
Clasificación UNESCO: 12 Matemáticas
Palabras clave: Complex stochastic Boolean system
Hamming weight
Intrinsic order
Intrinsic order graph
Lexicographic order, et al.
Fecha de publicación: 2012
Proyectos: Avances en Simulación de Campos de Viento y Radiación Solar. 
Publicación seriada: IAENG International Journal of Computer Science 
Resumen: To compare binary n-tuple probabilities with no need to compute them, we have defined a partial order relation on the set {0, 1}n of all binary n-tuples: The so-called intrinsic order relation. In this paper, some properties of the intrinsic ordering are derived. These properties involve the lexicographic (truth-table) order in {0, 1}n, the vector order defined between the vectors of positions of 1-bits of the binary n-tuples, and the number of 1-bits in the binary n-tuples (i.e., the Hamming weights). These results are illustrated through simple examples and the intrinsic order graph.
ISSN: 1819-656X
Fuente: IAENG International Journal of Computer Science [ISSN 1819-656X], v. 39 (4), p. 377-385
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