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Título: Studies on densities and viscosities of binary mixtures of alkyl benzoates in n-heptane
Autores/as: Blanco, A. M. 
Ortega, J. 
Garcia, B.
Leal, J. M.
Clasificación UNESCO: 3303 ingeniería y tecnología químicas
Fecha de publicación: 1993
Editor/a: 0040-6031
Publicación seriada: Thermochimica Acta 
Resumen: Densities and viscosities have been determined for the two binary mixtures of methyl and ethyl benzoate in n-heptane at different concentrations and temperatures. The corresponding excess properties and the activation magnitudes were also calculated from the experimental data. All excess properties, including the excess Gibbs free energy of activation of flow, are negative over the entire range of compositions. The results for these binary mixtures are compared with those for methyl benzoate with n-nonane, the molecular interactions occurring in the mixtures being explained on the basis of the deviation from ideality of the magnitudes studied.
ISSN: 0040-6031
DOI: 10.1016/0040-6031(93)80546-M
Fuente: Thermochimica Acta[ISSN 0040-6031],v. 222, p. 127-136
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