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Title: Exergetic comparison of two different cooling technologies for the power cycle of a thermal power plant
Authors: Blanco-Marigorta, Ana M. 
Victoria Sanchez-Henríquez, M.
Peña-Quintana, Juan A.
UNESCO Clasification: 3303 ingeniería y tecnología químicas
Keywords: Exergy analysis
Exergy destruction
Solar thermal power plant
Rankine cycle
Cooling tower, et al
Issue Date: 2011
Publisher: 0360-5442
Journal: Energy 
Conference: 5th Dubrovnik Conference on Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems 
Abstract: Exergetic analysis is without any doubt a powerful tool for developing, evaluating and improving an energy conversion system. In the present paper, two different cooling technologies for the power cycle of a 50 MWe solar thermal power plant are compared from the exergetic viewpoint. The Rankine cycle design is a conventional, single reheat design with five closed and one open extraction feedwater heaters. The software package GateCycle is used for the thermodynamic simulation of the Rankine cycle model. The first design configuration uses a cooling tower while the second configuration uses an air cooled condenser. With this exergy analysis we identify the location, magnitude and the sources or thermodynamic inefficiencies in this thermal system. This information is very useful for improving the overall efficiency of the power system and for comparing the performance of both technologies.
ISSN: 0360-5442
DOI: 10.1016/
Source: Energy[ISSN 0360-5442],v. 36, p. 1966-1972
Appears in Collections:Artículos
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