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Título: Exergetic analysis of a chemical metallurgical process for titanium manufacturing
Autores/as: Blanco-Marigorta, Ana Maria 
Viera-Cabrera, Patricia
Peña-Quintana, Juan Antonio
Clasificación UNESCO: 3303 ingeniería y tecnología químicas
Fecha de publicación: 2011
Editor/a: 1582-2214
Publicación seriada: Metalurgia International 
Resumen: Exergy analysis is, without any doubt, a powerful tool to develop, to evaluate and to improve a thermal, chemical and metallurgical process. In this work an exergetic study of a titanium manufacturing process from Rutile is carried out. The process consists of two fundamental stages: in the first stage the chloration of the mineral produce TiCl4; in the second step, the TiCl4 is reduced, by means of the Kroll process, to obtain a Titanium sponge. The location, sources and real magnitude of the thermodynamic inefficiencies of the process are identified. The exergy destroyed in each device of the plant is calculated. Most of the exergy destruction is due to the irreversibilities of the chemical reactions and of the heat transfer processes. The results of this work provide key information for optimizing the design and the performance of the process.
ISSN: 1582-2214
Fuente: Metalurgia International[ISSN 1582-2214],v. 16, p. 165-168
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