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Título: Numerical simulation and exergetic analysis of building ventilation solar chimneys
Autores/as: Suárez-López, María José
Blanco-Marigorta, Ana María 
Gutiérrez-Trashorras, Antonio José
Pistono-Favero, Jorge
Blanco-Marigorta, Eduardo 
Clasificación UNESCO: 332201 Distribución de la energía
332203 Generadores de energía
Palabras clave: Solar chimney
Energy-efficient building
Solar passive design
Fecha de publicación: 2015
Editor/a: 0196-8904
Publicación seriada: Energy Conversion and Management 
Resumen: The solar chimneys used in buildings are passive solar devices which improve natural ventilation. A detailed exergetic analysis has been developed in this work, both for general balance and specific variables. To apply this analysis, a three-dimensional CFD model has been built and validated with bibliographic experimental data. The values of the variables have been examined both inside and at the exit of the solar chimney, resulting in a detailed description of the inner phenomena and parameters influencing the exergetic efficiency. The results of this study offer new tools: a numerical methodology and an exergetic analysis, to improve the design of building ventilation solar chimneys. It also affords a deeper understanding of the thermal and fluid-dynamic behaviour, and suggests some qualitative improvements. However, the numerical data obtained from the case studied, show that solar chimneys as natural ventilation systems offer quite a small efficiency and will remain within the sphere of architectural decisions.
ISSN: 0196-8904
DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2015.02.049
Fuente: Energy Conversion and Management [ISSN 0196-8904], v. 96, p. 1-11
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