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Título: Is there collusion in the retail gasoline market?: an empirical approach
Autores/as: Perdiguero, Jordi
Jiménez González, Juan Luis 
Clasificación UNESCO: 531205 Energía
Palabras clave: Gasolina
Fecha de publicación: 2009
Editor/a: 1133-455X
Publicación seriada: Revista de Economia Aplicada 
Resumen: This paper analyzes competition in the retail gasoline market. We focus on the market of the Canary Islands because it offers two advantages over other markets: it is easy to define the relevant market and there are markets operating under monopoly and oligopoly conditions simultaneously. The latter feature of the markets allows us to estimate a conjectural variations model that explains the average behavior of the companies in the oligopolistic market relative to the monopoly markets. The paper shows that average competition is limited despite the fact that the Canary Islands have a longer history of liberalized gasoline markets.
ISSN: 1133-455X
Fuente: Revista de Economia Aplicada[ISSN 1133-455X],v. 17, p. 27-45
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